08 May 2024

Visit by Hermann Gröhe to Coatema

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Dr. Valentino Villari, Gabriel Brooch, Thomas Kolbusch, Hermann Gröhe und Bertram Hartmann (from left to right)


Dormagen, April 30th, 2024

Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH in Dormagen had an important political visit last week: Hermann Gröhe, member of the German Bundestag and deputy chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, and Heike Troles, member of the state parliament, were guests. Managing Director Bertram Hartmann and authorized signatories Thomas Kolbusch and Dr. Valentino Villari gave the political guests a tour of the company, providing them with insights into innovative processes and technologies.

The agenda included topics such as green hydrogen, batteries and solar systems. These are areas in which Coatema, as a manufacturer of coating systems, occupies a leading position in numerous production processes in the industry. Coatema also presented its successful participation in EU research projects, including the innovative Flex2Energy project, in which a new production plant for the flexible solar cell sector is being built in Greece. The company's industry-leading expertise and innovative strength, as well as its commitment to sustainability and the development of skilled workers, gave the politicians a comprehensive insight into current projects and challenges.  The discussion focused on the importance of sustainable and future-oriented production, especially in light of the current economic situation in Germany and worldwide. In particular, the issue of the shortage of skilled workers in the region was also discussed.


The visit by Hermann Gröhe and Heike Troles illustrates the close links between politics and business. In a constructive dialog, joint approaches for positive development in these important areas were developed.

Coatema continues to be a pioneer in innovative technologies and solutions and is actively committed to a sustainable future. The visit by the political representatives was an important opportunity to jointly set the course for successful cooperation.

See also the press release in the Pro Flexcovert:


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Discussion with Hermann Gröhe and Heike Troles (right back / right center)


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Hermann Gröhe (left) and Heike Troles (right) at the technical centre in Dormagen


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