15 April 2024

Das Potenzial von Elektroden

2024 WaterProof

Das Potenzial von Elektroden
Interview mit Dr. Pegah Shakeri

Dr. Pegah Shakeri, Beschichtungsspezialistin bei Coatema, gab kürzlich Einblicke in das europäische Projekt WaterProof zur Förderung der elektrochemischen CO2-Umwandlung. Coatema unterstützt diese Arbeit mit der Click&Coat™-Technologie, einem wichtigen Baustein für die Hochskalierung der Produktion von Gasdiffusionselektroden für sauberere Wasserkreisläufe.

Coatema ist mit seiner Click&Coat™-Technologie führend und fördert die schnelle Skalierung von Spezialbeschichtungen für das Projekt WaterProof-Elektroden. Dank der Modularität und Flexibilität der Click&Coat-Anlage gelingt es dem Projekt WaterProof, den elektrochemischen Umwandlungsprozess zu verbessern und sowohl die Effizienz als auch die Umweltverträglichkeit zu steigern.

Hier finden Sie das gesamte Interview

24 04 10 WATERPRROOF Interview Shakeri Coatema

How does Coatema’s coating machinery contribute to advancing electrochemical technologies, especially in case of electrochemical CO2-conversion? What unique capabilities or features does Coatema offer in this field? How do you plan to implement this expertise in the WaterProof project?

Coatema offers unique capabilities in the field of electrochemical technologies through its exper– tise in upscaling production processes like gas diffusion electrodes (GDL) and developing electrode and interconnect materials thus plays a crucial role in advancing electrochemical CO2-conversion.

In the WaterProof project, Coatema is focusing on improving the carbon cycle of wastewater by developing innovative solutions. To this aim, Coatema plans to design and develop tailored roll-to-roll line by upgrading the Click&Coat pilot line. This upgrade will facilitate the production of gas diffusion electrodes (GDL) at a larger scale, contributing to the project's goal of improving the carbon cycle of wastewater through innovative solutions. By leveraging their experience and technical resources, Coatema aims to advance electrochemical technologies for sustainable environmental impact.


How does your Click&Coat technology contribute to the particularly rapid development/scale-up of special coatings for the WaterProof electrodes?

Coatema’s Click&Coat technology offers maximum modularity and flexibility, allowing for the rapid development and scale-up of special coatings for WaterProof electrodes. This revolutionary concept provides an endless number of process variants, enabling the configuration of the line to meet specific process requirements. Click&Coat’s flexibility is evident in its interchangeable coating heads and downstream components that can be easily assembled to create customized inline processes. With over 30 different process modules available, Click&Coat offers a wide range of configurations that can be tailored to meet the most demanding performance and quality standards. This technology not only streamlines the electrode coating process but also enhances efficiency, throughput, and the development of coating and lamination technology.

Coatema’s Click&Coat technology significantly contributes to the rapid development and scale- up of special coatings for the WaterProof electrodes. This technology enables the design and development of an appropriate roll-to-roll line, crucial for upscaling the production of gas diffusion electrodes (GDL) in projects like WaterProof. By upgrading the Click&Coat pilot line, Coatema enhances the efficiency and precision of coating processes, facilitating the production of innovative solutions for improving the carbon cycle of waste water.


Could you elaborate on any recent breakthroughs or innovations in electrochemical CO2-conversion processes that have been achieved with the assistance of Coatema's electrode coating?

Coatema’s expertise and know-how in renewable energy technologies, including electrode manufacturing, ink/paste formulation and process control, has been instrumental in advancing these critical technical aspects of CO2-conversion systems.

Recent breakthroughs and innovations in electrochemical CO2-conversion processes have been achieved using Coatema’s electrode coating technology, both in R&D projects and by providing machinery and technical process knowledge to the company's successful customers in this field. One significant advancement is the development of highly efficient and selective electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction (CO2R). These advancements have focused on improving the efficiency of CO2R processes through electrolyser configuration, electrode structure, electrolyte selection. By enhancing the design and engineering of the CO2R process, these innovations have paved the way for low-cost, large-scale CO2R electrolysers. Coatema’s expertise in electrode coating plays a crucial role in these advancements by enabling the rapid development and scale-up of specialized coatings for electrodes used in electrochemical CO2-conversion processes.


Where do you see potential for future applications of your electrode coating technology?

The potential for future applications of electrode coating technology, particularly in the context of dry coating processes, is vast and promising. One key area of application lies in the production of next-generation fuel cells, batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems. The potential for future applications of Coatema's electrode coating technology lies in various innovative fields. One significant area is the advancement of electrochemical technologies, particularly in the development of sustainable energy solutions like hydrogen production through solid oxide electrolytic cells (SOECs).

Additionally, the utilization of electrode coating technology in projects like the IDEEL initiative for laser drying processes in lithium-ion battery manufacturing showcases its potential for enhancing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production methods. Moreover, the application of this technology in projects focusing on flexible plastic and paper surfaces, switchable films for energy-saving windows, and ink development for fuel cell catalyst coating highlights its versatility across different industries and applications. Overall, the future applications of Coatema's electrode coating technology are promising in driving forward sustainable energy production, battery manufacturing, and innovative surface technologies.

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