Machines and equipment for
coating, printing and laminating.



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Powerful and application-specific
For integration into laboratory, pilot plant or production

Combined systems which are carried out to either coat thin layers and structuring the layers with lasers are a new and efficient method for a variety of applications in printed electronics. This includes OLED, OPV, sensors, RFID, OTFT and smart textiles.

To optimize these processes Coatema has partnered with LUNOVU from Aachen. LUNOVU develops and manufactures high-tech laser components and system solutions for R & D and industrial customers. Lunovu covers a wide range of technologies, such as Microstructure, micro functionalization, laser hardening and laser polishing. LUNOVU works closely with R & D developers and technology centers in order to always deliver the "state of the art" technology.

The unique feature of this system combination is that the coating process and the laser patterning process are integrated into one production line. A sophisticated process control and extensive application experience have gone into the development of this Coatema/LUNOVU development tools to ensure that the application layers and the laser parameters are is optimized. Depending on the application and the use of the materials the Coatema/LUNOVU project team design the most suitable layout of the plant.

Coatema SCLaser frei


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Steinbachstraße 15

D-52074 Aachen

T +49 (0)241 8906-427
F +49 (0)241 8906-474
M +49 (0)241 1853 689

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Press release

Events 2024

25 - 27

Munich, Germany
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