Machines and equipment for
coating, printing and laminating.

Coatema Logo

COATEMA Coating Machinery GmbH

Roseller Strasse 4, D-41539 Dormagen

Tel.: +49 (0) 21 33 - 97 84 0
Fax: +49 (0) 21 33 - 97 84 170
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Managing Director: Markus Waterkamp
Registry Court: District court Neuss
Commercial register number: HRB 9649
VAT identification number:
(§ 27a Value Added Tax Act):
DE 304 264 814

For any questions relating to this website, please contact the webmaster by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Responsible for the content in accordance with § 10 Abs.3 MDStV (German Interstate Agreement on Media Services):  
Markus Waterkamp, Managing Director, address as above.


The information that COATEMA Coating Machinery GmbH - hereinafter referred to as COATEMA - as the operator of this website, provides to you on this website, was compiled with utmost care. The information is updated and checked regularly. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. As the information provider, we therefore exclude any liability or guarantee with regards to correctness, completeness and topicality of the information provided on this website.

COATEMA expressly excludes any liability for the contents of websites of third parties linked or referred to on our website. These are external websites, the content of which we cannot influence. Linked pages are carefully checked by us before they are approved. However, it cannot be excluded that the operators of the relevant sites perform changes to their content, which contravene applicable laws or COATEMA'S principles. COATEMA disassociates itself from such content and is also not liable for the data protection measures of the operators of such websites.

As the operator of this website, we reserve the right to make changes or additions to the provided information or data at any time and without further notice. Insofar that our internet pages contain statements about the future, these statements are based on convictions and assessments of the COATEMA management and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties. COATEMA is not obliged to update such statements about the future. Liability for such statements is expressly excluded.

Use and / or application-relevant statements about the properties and potentials of the machines and plants of COATEMA are subject to verification under the specific conditions of the customer in their responsibility, through proper machine operation, application-directed material processing as well as under application-specific operation parameters.

Therefore, COATEMA excludes any type of liability for material or immaterial damages, which could be caused by potential incorrect, incomplete or obsolete information on this website.

Privacy Policy
We at COATEMA are delighted about your interest in our coating and laminating machinery as well as in our related service provisions and events. In order to comprehensively meet your information requirements, you will be asked for personal or company-related information by means of specific online forms, telephonic requests or by postal service. This information is completely voluntary.

COATEMA complies with the requirements of the German Data Protection Regulations. Your name, address and business data are treated confidentially by us and only used for the purpose for which you have provided them to us, namely, for the purpose of information transmission, establishing and maintaining development and business contacts.

Any potential transfer of your data to other servers within the COATEMA group of companies or third parties will exclusively take place for the purpose for which you have provided the data to us. Your consent is considered as granted only for this.

You can demand the immediate effective and complete deletion of your data at any time.

Unless stated otherwise, all brands used on the webpages of are protected by copyright law. This applies in particular to company logos and trademarks.

Licensing rights, publication rights
COATEMA offers innovative and informative website contents. However, we expressly point out that the contained intellectual properties including patents, brands and copyrights are legally protected. With the use of this website, no license is provided for the use of the intellectual property of COATEMA or other authors of the COATEMA symposia and the authors of the essays and specialist articles published here. Copying, dissemination, reproduction or transfer and any other use is prohibited without written consent by COATEMA and where applicable, the authors mentioned.

For press downloads from the Press section, the copying of text, image and graphics materials offered there is permitted, firstly, expressly solely for use in a journalistic/editorial usual extent, and secondly, only insofar the publication indicates the source in each individual case, and therefore the holder of the rights is named.

The same applies to scientific publications such as student research papers and degree theses, theses, essays and books.

Conceptual design and implementation:

Press release

Events 2024

25 - 27

Munich, Germany
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